Health Care Hacks to Save Money
Here are two ways to save money in the modern healthcare system that you may not be aware of.
- Insurance alternative– a health share. If you are in reasonable health then this is no brainer. Monthly fees are a flat rate, (e.g. $250 for single person) with a flat liberal deductible of $1000. Family plans drop the price even more. My experience is that they are easy to deal with, answer the phone, and reimburse without question. If interested I can send you an invite for Liberty Health, just let me know.
- Inexpensive lab tests. Did you know that YOU can order any blood work (and other labs) online (walkinlabs) without a doctor’s order? You can also walk straight into Boulder Community Hospital and self-pay for ANY lab test (including MRI, CT scans, blood work, x-ray etc) – Click here for a sample price list. This is especially useful if you have not met your deductible.
These prices are exponentially lower than most insurance prices and even a co-pay through a doctor’s visit. I have been using these methods now for years and can even get you 15-20% lower than the price online. Of note, my service to the community is to not up-charge on lab tests, because healthcare is costly enough. Just let me know if you need help ordering or interpreting mainstream or alternative / functional medicine lab tests.
Jason Blalack