Duck Butt ??
Chen, a 76 year old, had suffered from colon cancer 15 years previously. Consequently, part of his colon was removed and had remained healthy ever since. Recently, he had not moved his bowels for an entire week and he had developed a palpable mass in his lower abdomen on the side of the surgery. Chen went to several hospitals for further examination, where all [of his medical council] recommended surgery and noted that the prognosis was poor. Although Chen requested Chinese herbs, [his physicians] felt this was pointless and refused to prescribe for him. After this, the patient unexpectedly voided a hard pellet and immediately felt his lower abdomen relax.
The object was removed from the chamber pot with fire tongs, washed off with water, and then carefully examined. It was a “duck butt.” The patient had attended a banquet about 10 days previously where he ate a piece of under cooked duck meat. Because of the circumstances he was too embarrassed to spit it out and reluctantly swallowed it resulting in the illness described above.
又如一76歲老人陳某,15年前患結腸癌,曾手術切除,自後身體一直健康。近1周來,大便不通,少腹手術一側又捫及一塊狀物,幾個醫院均要患者入院作進一 步檢查,并認為手術也無希望。要求中醫服些中藥,也覺無能為力而未給處方。後病人竟排出一粒硬屎,頓覺少腹輕鬆。用火鉗從便桶中鉗出硬物,用水沖洗之後仔 細辨認,原來是一個“”,是十幾天前赴宴,揀得一塊鴨肉,覺得未燒酥,礙於親朋面前不便吐掉而囫圇吞下,於是發生前述的病證。
You may want to reconsider your criteria for case study translations. We are all well familiar with duck butt obstruction syndrome. Nothing worse than rehashing the same old patterns…