Gui zhi ma huang ge ban tang #2
4. Unpleasant Body Oder
From doctor Huang Dao-fu[1], September 14, 1984:
Ms. Chen was age 17. Seven days previously she had developed a cold with fever and fear [...]
Gui Zhi Tang #3 (+ huang qi) (Qin Bo-Wei)
Case Study from Dr. Qin Bo-Wei [...]
Gui Zhi Tang #2 – High fever
Yue Mei-Zhong's case study:
Zhang XX, a 15 year old female, had a fever for more than a half a year. It would reach up to 40c and many formulas were tried with no avail. Moreover, [...]
Gui Zhi Tang #1 – Fever and sweating
Liu du zhou's case:
[Patient] Lǐ was a 53 year old female that suffered from paroxysmal heat effusion and sweating for over one year. This would occur 2-3 times every [...]