Guizhi mahuang ge ban tang & guizhi er mahuang yi tang

 In Misc. CM articles

Translated by: Sharon Weizenbaum
(thanks Sharon for the translation of this piece plus that following cases)

Gui Zhi Ma Huang Ge Ban Tang

  • Gui Zhi (1 liang + 16 zhu)4 grams
  • Sheng Jiang (1 liang)3 grams
  • Bai Shao (1 liang)3 grams
  • Zhi Gan Cao (1 liang)3 grams
  • Ma Huang (1 liang)3 grams
  • Da Zao 4 dates
  • Xing Ren (24 pieces)3 grams

Gui Zhi Er Ma Huang Yi Tang

  • Gui Zhi (2 liang + 17 zhu)4 grams
  • Sheng Jiang (1 liang +6 zhu)3 grams
  • Bai Shao (1 liang + 6 zhu)3 grams
  • Zhi Gan Cao (1 liang +2 zhu)3 grams
  • Ma Huang (6 zhu)1 grams
  • Da Zao 5 dates
  • Xing Ren (6 pieces)2 grams

Original clauses from the Shan Han Lun

1.Tai Yang disease, for 8 or 9 days, malaria like symptoms, fever and aversion to cold, more fever, less cold, the person does not vomit, urine and stool are normal, episodes occurring 2-3 times each day. 2. Where the pulse is slightly moderate, there will be imminent recovery. 3. Where the pulse is faint with aversion to cold, this is deficiency of both Yin and Yang and one should not further promote sweating, purging or vomiting, 4. Where the complexion is like that of a hot color, there has been no imminent recovery. This is because the patient cannot raise a mild sweat, the body will be itchy and Gui Zhi Ma Huang Ge Ban Tang is appropriate. (clause 23)”

Having taken Gui Zhi Tang, there is copious sweat; if the pulse is flooding and big, give Gui Zhi Tang as before. If the disease resembles malaria, occurring again during the day, sweating will resolve it, Gui Zhi Er Ma Huang Yi Tang will resolve it. (clause 25)”

Explanation of Formulas:

Although there are symptoms of illness in this presentation, the cold and heat manifest together and these episodes occur two to three times a day and there is no vomiting. This means that the illness has not entered the Shao Yang. Although the heat is more than the cold, there is still clear urine and normal bowels. This means that the illness has not entered the Yang Ming. Since there is not a Yang Ming or a Shao Yang pattern, there has been no transmutation. This means that the illness is still at the Tai Yang and that it has become mild and chronic. The correct Qi attempts to push the evil out by sweating but the sweating is not effective to resolve the evil. The result is that the illness becomes chronic and yet one cannot create a big sweat. Gui Zhi Ma Huang Ge Ban Tang is appropriate because it will create a light sweat.

Gui Zhi Er Ma Huang Yi Tang is similar to the above formula in that it is also for a mild condition. In order to resolve the muscles, the ingredients only slightly promote sweating.

Clinically, this illness presentation is most often seen in young people and elderly people as well as those who are weakened with chronic illness. There is no discussion as to whether this is cold damage or wind strike. What is important is only that this is chronic without resolution, that the presentation is relatively light, and that there is cold and heat like malaria. For this, one can use the above two formulas.

Case examples:

1. A light presentation with stasis on the exterior
2. Unresolved stasis on the exterior
3. Urticaria
4. Unpleasant Body Oder 

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