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This section contains modern and pre-modern Chinese medicine case studies translated by Jason Blalack with his commentary.
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By Doctor:
Ding Gan-Ren, Fei Bo-Xiong, Fei Sheng-Fu, Huang Huang, Li Shi-Zhen, Liu Du Zhou, Qin Bo-Wei, Xu Shu-Wei, Ye Tian-Shi, Yue Mei Zhong
By Pattern:
Ascendant yang, Blood deficiency, Buildup of blood, Constraint, Eight Extraordinary Channels, External Attack, Heat entering the blood chamber, Internal Damp, Internal wind, Liver attacking Stomach, Painful Obstruction, Phlegm, Qi and blood deficiency, Qi clumping, Spleen yang deficiency, Spleen yin deficiency, Tai Yang Pattern, Wind, Wood / Earth, Yang wei, Yin wei, Ying and wei disharmony
By Symptom/ Disease:
Abdominal distension, Abdominal pain, Acid regurgitation, Aversion to cold, Chest distension, Chronic sweating, Cold extremities, Constipation, Cough, Deep source nasal congestion , Depression, Detriment and taxation, Deviated mouth, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Edema, Emotional, Epigastric pain, Fatigue, Flank pain, Floating Edema, Focal distention, Heart irritability, Hemilateral withering, Hepatitis, High Fever, Hot tongue , Insomnia, Lower limb pain, Menstrual irregularities, Migraine, Mobile abdominal masses, Numbness and tingling, Painful Obstruction, Painful urinary dribbling disorder, Prostatitis, Sciatica, Seminal emissions, Sinus, Sour taste, Steaming Fever, Stroke, Teeth pain, Twitching, Urticaria, Vomiting, Water Swelling, Wheezing / Panting, Wind Stroke
By Formula:
Ban xia xie xin tang, Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang, Di huang yin zi, Er chen tang, Fu mai tang, Gui pi tang, Gui zhi er ma huang yi tang, Gui zhi er yue bi yi tang, Gui zhi ma huang ge ban tang, Gui Zhi Tang, Li Zhong Wan, Ma huang tang, Miao xiang san, Si ni san, Xiao Yao San, Yin Qiao San, Yue ju wan, Zhen wu tang, Zhu ling tang
Other Categories:
Acupuncture, Antibiotics, Classical formulas, Fire spirit current, Misdiagnosed, Modern Cases, Qing Dynasty, Shang Han Lun, TCM