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A 5 minute introduction.

Qin Bo-Wei’s 56 Treatment Methods: Writing Precise Prescriptions


Clinical commentary by: Wu Bo-Ping
Translated, compiled, and edited by: Jason Blalack

This book can be purchased from Eastland Press.

What people have to say:

“This book is a major step in the dissemination of Qin Bo-Wei’s ideas. Perhaps more importantly, it represents a highly refined vision of how Chinese medicine can be understood in the West. Here we are presented with much more than a list of signs and symptoms linked to a pattern, which in turn is linked to a fixed formula. Instead, this book illustrates the nuances inherent in every step of the diagnostic and treatment process.”

—Charles Chace, author of A Qin Bowei Anthology

“There is nothing else available in the English language literature that I know of that comes even close and this information alone makes the book a “must buy” for any serious practitioner. Add to this the clinical experience of two master physicians, the clarity with which Jason Blalack makes that experience accessible, and the immediate translatability of what is discussed to virtually any situation one might encounter in clinical practice and it becomes an absolute bargain.” For the full book review see RCHM (Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine) (UK) (Spring 2012).

—Volker Scheid, co-author of Formulas and Strategies (2nd edition) (Eastland Press)

“… That Blalack places as much importance on the comfortable language of his presentation as he does the book’s concepts proves a genuine desire for the material to be used… My own copy of Qin Bo-Wei’s 56 Treatment Methods, now just a few months old, is already becoming tattered and has quickly risen above the flotsam of the usual “standards”, ones upon which so many of our current ideas about Chinese herbalism are based. I likewise hope that all those invested in this field give the 56 Methods a prominent place – not only on their bookshelves but in the application of their art.”

Excerpt from The Fetch’s Book Review

This wonderful book presents in an easy to understand fashion the ideas of Qin Bo-Wei, one of the most important practitioners of Chinese medicine in the 20th century. As a teacher of Chinese herbs for over ten years I highly recommend this book to anyone wishing to deepen their knowledge of herbal medicine and apply the principles presented in this book in their clinical practice. It’s a must read for students and experienced practicing herbalists alike.

—Warren Sheir, Chinese herbal medicine instructor

I want to offer a very sincere thanks for your dedicated work on the new book. The introduction alone made me feel like I (and so many others) had been heard, that treatment methods offered during coursework can sometimes feel needlessly frustrating to navigate – for a host of both good and “bad” reasons. The book has so many of the things I wish I’d had before now. The Q&A sections are a particular favorite. I can’t count the number of hazy responses I received to some of these very questions in my own training. Otherwise: it’s concise without holes and never feels pithy; it’s visually easy to absorb (so vital); and it has a beautifully considered index to boot (why books on all manner of subjects ignore this art, I’ll never know). I won’t spill over here, but truly, a gift.

—Michael Castle, Great Wave Herbal Pharmacy

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