Open Gate Acupuncture has worked with many people in aiding them to eliminate their dependence on some substance in our Boulder office. We not only help addictive cravings but treat the whole being on mental, spiritual, and physical levels.

Some are trying to quit a substance (i.e. Alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, cocaine, etc.). Some are trying to eat less, and others have already quit (i.e. on methadone) and are having detoxification reactions or other complications.

Addictions are not easy to break, but acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can be a great assistance in stopping cravings and eliminating side-effects. There is a tremendous amount of research demonstrating the efficacy of Chinese Medicine for addiction (See below).

Jason can assist in setting up a program to help you quit.

Ear acupuncture can be a great assistance in the process. There are mounds of research that proves that it works. Below are a few sources:

Additional Research with Auricular (ear) Acupuncture for addiction:

Ackerman RW. Auricular acupuncture treatment for chemical dependency. Paper presented to the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, Inc.. Vancouver, Washington, 1-34. 1992 Available from National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Clearinghouse, POB 1927, Vancouver, WA 98668-1927

Ackerman RW. The experience of women receiving auricular acupuncture treatment for chemical dependency during pregnancy. Santa Barbara (CA)]: The Fielding Institute; 1994. 301 p. Santa Barbara (CA)]: The Fielding Institute English

Brewington V, Smith M, Lipton D. Acupuncture as a detoxification treatment: analysis of controlled research. J of Substance Abuse Treatment 1994 Vol. 11 pp. 289-307.

Brumbaugh AG. Acupuncture: new perspectives in chemical dependency treatment. J Subst Abuse Treat 1993 Jan; 10 (l): 35-43 Medline 93195972 Journal article review, tutorial USA

Clark W. Trial of acupuncture detoxification (TRIAD): Final report prepared by TRIAD Research Staff, Delivered to the California State Legislature August 15, 1990 Available from National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Clearinghouse, POB 1927, Vancouver, WA 98668-1927.

Cui Meng. Advances in studies on acupuncture abstinence. J of Tradit Chinese Medicine 15(4)-.301-307,1995, 16(1) 65-69,1996 .

Culleton PD, Kiresuk TJ. Overview of substance abuse acupuncture treatment research. J of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 1996 Vol. 2, No. 1 pp. 149-165.

Dale RA. Addictions and acupuncture: the treatment methods, formulae, effectiveness and limitations. Amer J of Acupuncture 1993 Vol. 21, No. 3 pp. 247-267.

Finn P, Newlyn AK. Mami’s Drug Court: a different approach national institute of justice program. Focus, NCJ 142412, 1993 (Available from U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice, Washington, D.C. 2053 1. or available from National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Clearinghouse, POB 1927, Vancouver, WA 98668-1927.)

Font Riera Jose Francisco Lepez Espinosa Carlos Aldea Bueno. Tecnicas de deshabituacion obesidad-tabaquismo-drogadiccion. Proelsa SA Mayo 1986 69 4′ dpcho 9 Barcelonna Spain

Gurevich M, Duckworth D, Imhof J, Katz JI. Is auricular acupuncture beneficial in the inpatient treatment of substance-abusing patients? A pilot study. J Subst Abuse Treat 1996 Mar-, 13(2)-165-71 Medline 97035020 Journal article English United States

Inconnu . Strategies for action combating drug and alcohol abuse in Dade county: an update. Write to Herbert M. Klein, Associate Chief Judge, I I th Judicial Circuit, Miami Beach, Florida June 1990

Keenan P. Treatment of pregnant substance abusers. Paper presented at the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida, February, 1990. Available from National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Clearinghouse, POB 1927, Vancouver, WA 98668-1927.

Konefal J, Duncan R, Clemence C. Comparison of three levels of auricular acupuncture in an outpatient substance abuse program. Altern Med J 1995; 2 ( 5): 8-17,

Konefal J, Duncan R, Clemence C. The impact of the addition of an acupuncture treatment program to an existing Metro-Dade County outpatient substance abuse treatment facility. J of Addiction Disease 1994 Vol. 13, No. 3 71-99.

Konefal J. Drug abuse detoxification study for risk behavior of AIDS. Grant application to the Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service University of Miami. Available from University of Miami, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, P.0. Box 0 1 6069, Miami, Florida 3 3 1 01

Lane C. Final evaluation report: acupuncture detoxification project. Hooper Center, Central City Oregon, Alcohol and Drug Program 1988

Lowe L. A focus on acupuncture research compiled by the California Department of Corrections. Paper presented at Fifth Annual Conference, National Acupuncture Detoxification Association March 18-20, 1994, San Francisco, CA. March 18-20, 1994 Available from National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Clearinghouse, POB 1927, Vancouver, WA 98668-1927,

Mallard A, Petitjean F. Thylisme chronique. Revue d’auriculomedicine no. 30 Jan 1983 Journal Article French France

Patterson MA. Effects of neuroelectric therapy (N.E.T.) in drug addiction: interim report. Bulletin of Narcotics 1976 Vol. 28 pp. 55-62

Patterson MA. Final report: the effectivenss of acupuncture in the treatment of drug dependency. Submitted to the Montgomery Court of Common Pleas, Montgomery County, Ohio 1993

Shakar M, Smith MO. The use of acupuncture in the treatment of drug addiction. Amer J of Acupuncture, 1979 Vol. 7, No. 3 pp. 223-22

Simon F. The successful use of auricular acupuncture in the supported withdrawal and detoxification of substance abusers community drug advisory service. St. Pauls Hospital Winchester, Hampshire, S022 5AA England

Smith MO, Alvarez C, Smalls N. Criminal justice referrals to acupuncture detoxification: pilot program. Shows encouraging results. September 10, 1987 Available from Substance Abuse Division, Lincoln Hospital, Bronx, New York

Smith MO, Kahn I. Acupuncture program for treatment of drug addicted persons. Bulletin on Narcotics 1988 XL(l) pp. 35-41.

Smith MO, Ra K. Acupuncture and the treatment of chemical dependency and violence. Paper presented at the Caribbean Mental Health Conference, Nassau, Bahamas July 22-26, 1985 Available from Substance Abuse Division, Lincoln Hospital, Bronx, New York

Smith MO, Squires R, Aponte J, Rabinovitz N, Bonilla-Rodriguez R. Acupuncture treatment of drug addiction and alcohol abuse. Amer J of Acupuncture, 1982 Vol, 10, No. 2, pp. 161-166.

Smith MO. Acupuncture and natural healing in drug detoxification. Amer J of Acupuncture 1979 Vol. 1, No. 7 pp. 97-107

Smith MO. Acupuncture as a treatment for drug dependent mothers. Testimony presented to the New York City Council, April 11, 1988

Smith MO. Acupuncture helps programs more than patients. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association 1993 Available from National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Clearing House, POB 1927, Vancouver, WA 98668-1927.)

Smith MO. Acupuncture treatment for substance abuse. National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Clearing House 1987 Available from: National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Clearing House, POB 1927, Vancouver, WA 98668-1927.

Smith MO. Lincoln Hospital Acupuncture Drug Abuse Program. Testimony presented to the National Institute of Health Alternative Medicine and the National Wellness Coalition (Dirksen Senate Office Building) May 21, 1993

Smith MO. Raising healthy babies for the 90′s. National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Clearing House 1990 Available from National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Clearing House, POB 1927, Vancouver, WA 98668-1927.)

Smith MO. Relation of maternal treatment involvement (i.e., participation in substance abuse and prenatal services) to infant birth weight. Unpublished report. 1992 (Available from Lincoln Clinic, Maternal Substance Abuse Services, 349 East 140th Street, Bronx, New York 10454.)

Smith MO. The Lincoln Hospital Drug Abuse Program. Testimony presented to the Select Committee on Narcotics of the House of Representatives of the United States July 4, 1989 Available from Substance Abuse Division, Lincoln Hospital, Bronx, New York

Smith MO. The Miami success story- transforming the criminal justice system with an acupuncture. Based Diversion Program, National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Newsletter September, 1990 Available from National Acupuncture Detoxification Association Clearing House, POB 1927, Vancouver, WA 98668-1927,

Swan N. Experts divided on effectiveness of acupuncture as a drug abuse treatment. NIDA Notes September/October, 1992 p. 17

Sytinsky IA, Galebskaya LV. Physiologo-biochemical bases of drug dependence treatment by electro- acupuncture. Addiction Behavior 1979 Vol. 4, No. 2 pp. 97-120

Taub CB. Report on acupuncture substance abuse treatment adjunct. Feb 1993 through Jun 1993, Jul 1993. Available through Lincoln Hospital, Maternal Substance Abuse Services, 349 East 140th Street, Bronx, New York 10454.

Taubert K. Diagnosis using of ear zeitschrift fur arztliche. Fortbildung 1992 no. 19 945-946

Wen HL, Cheung YC. Treatment of drug addiction by acupuncture and electrical stimulation. Asian J of Medicine 1973 Vol. 9 pp. 138-141 Reprinted in Amer J of Acupuncture Vol. 1, no. 2, 1973, p. 71-75.

Wen HL. Clinical experience and mechanisms of acupuncture and electrical stimulation (AES) in the treatment of drug abuse. Amer J of Chinese Medicine 1980 Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 349-353

Whitehead D. Acupuncture and the treatment of addiction: a review and analysis. International J of Addictions 1978 Vol. 13, No. I pp. 1-16.

Open Gate Acupuncture, in Boulder, Colorado.


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Open Gate Acupuncture, located in Boulder Colorado, serves patients throughout the Boulder county region including Denver, Longmont, Gunbarrel, Lafayette, & Louisville.

Jason Blalack has been treating patients in Boulder for over 16 years, is an international lecturer on Chinese medicine and has an extensive collection of Chinese medicine articles published in professional journals worldwide. Jason specializes in autoimmune, digestive disorders, fertility, and emotional disorders.

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