Testimonials for Difficult Diseases
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
I have been seeing Jason for several years for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and his expertise has helped me learn about and deal with this very difficult health issue and others that I have been encountering. As I struggle with all the different exposures, and my body’s reaction to them, Jason had continued to keep abreast of all the new treatments, and nutrients that are helpful for my body to heal. For the last few weeks, I have been feeling extremely exhausted, and having a difficult time functioning. Jason , as usual, listened to me, asked some questions, and did his acupuncture treatment adding a special blend of tea to use at home. Within a day, I was feeling much better. During the week I was able to do my full days work without the incredible fatigue I’d been feeling, and without having to stop for extended periods of rest. It’s the best I’ve felt for a LONG time. Getting better isn’t always that big or fast of an improvement, but I always improve with Jason’s treatments, care and advice. This time was amazing, and I am so thankful. Thank you Jason! -Marci H.
(google) Feb. 2018
“After being sick for months, my husband and I very skeptically went to see Jason Blalack. After the first 3 minutes, we realized that Jason was very professional, extremely knowledgeable, and had experience dealing with people who had my condition. His regiment for healing was exactly what I needed. After six months of Jason’s care, I am back to enjoying life again without being sick. Thanks, Jason! – Mary 2014
Endocrine Pituitary Tumor
I have worked with Jason for the last seven years.I originally came in for support with a pituitary tumor and post-surgical healing, but have continued on for years since my original illness. Jason has an amazing capacity to read the subtleties of what is happening in my system and to provide accurate and compassionate care. After every session, I have experienced major shifts in my wellness and state of being. Thank you Jason for the kind, compassionate and highly effective treatment over the years! I am most grateful. -Laura W.
(google) 2014
Lyme, Heavy Metals, Neurotoxins
“Under Jason Blalack’s care, my Lyme disease was identified, my heavy metals were chelated, my immune system was bolstered, and neurotoxins were eliminated — all with herbs, acupuncture and lifestyle changes. Over time, my health has slowly and consistently improved, and I am nearing a complete cure. I am grateful to have found such a patient, skilled and personable acupuncturist, herbalist, and friend. -Phil H. (google) 2014
“I started going to Jason a few years ago when I was diagnosed with tinnitus. The options available to me with traditional western medicine were slim and not anything I was interested in trying. I had utilized acupuncture in the past for allergies and had responded well. However, my response this go around was amazing! Within one session and starting Chinese Herbs, my tinnitus was gone. We continued to work on my underlying constitutional issues for about five months. I am thrilled to report that the tinnitus has not returned and all is well. Jason has a wonderful understanding of the complexities of Traditional Chinese Medicine and I wholeheartedly recommend him! – Candy B. (google) 2014

Neurological / Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
“It would be impossible to express my gratitude for Jason’s work, however, I feel it important to comment. I began seeing Jason after starting to experience neurological issues (vertigo and a limp). After several weeks later I was diagnosed with MS. Not only has Jason help me to begin to heal physically, but he also provided a compassionate healing presence that has acted as a necessary antidote to the biomedical lens that this autoimmune disease is often understood. I truly believe this has been the most important thing I have done in addressing the onset of this disease and I encourage others suffering from MS or other autoimmune diseases to consider Open Gate Acupuncture. –Kelly G. (google) March 13, 2017
Cancer Support
I saw Jason for 8 months for a condition that has been undiagnosable from a Western medicine perspective. I have tended to call it Chronic Fatigue for lack of another label. There has been significant improvement in my condition up through December of 2013. Then in January of 2014, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and now Jason is supporting me with both the chronic fatigue and cancer treatment which currently involves chemo. I love that I have a plan in place that includes supplements and herbs to build my body strength between chemo treatments.One of the great things about Jason is his approach. He’s incredibly knowledgeable and yet spacious and warm. When he’s sitting and talking with you, you can see his mind is moving fast and he’s processing everything at lightening speed. When I get on his table, he slows down, centers (almost imperceptibly) and checks pulses. When he places needles, he uses his intuition in addition to logic. And often my intuition and his intuition are in conversation. I feel like I am integral to his choices and actions. He trusts me and I trust him.Given that my illness has lasted 7 years thus far, I have seen many practitioners. For me Jason has been the best.” -Karyn Y. (google) Aug. 2016