FSF #7 – Swelling and Abd. Distension

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Case By: Fei Sheng-Fu (费绳甫)

Mr Xu Zhongxiu from Zhenjiang [suffered] from swelling of the feet and legs as well as of the testicles, abdominal distension, coughing, facial edema, and reduced urination. He came to me for examination and treatment because treatment so far had not worked. His pulse was floating and wiry in the right cun position indicating water swelling. The Lungs were unable to afford regular passage through the water ways towards the Bladder so that water qi flowed over transversely into the spaces between the skin and flesh. I considered Yu’s treatment [strategy] for flooding, which relies on first dredging [the water pathways] so that [water qi] can flow downward. Once the water has a way to exit [the body] it will no longer have cause to flow over [into the body].

  • mole cricket (lóu gū)9g
  • Tetrapanacis Medulla (töng câo)9g
  • Kochiae Fructus (dì fü zî)9g
  • Acanthopanacis Cortex (wû jiä pí)6g
  • Poriae Cutis (fú líng pí)12g
  • Benincasae Exocarpium (döng guä pí)12g
  • Armeniacae Semen (xìng rén)9g
  • Fritillariae cirrhosae Bulbus (chuän bèi mû)9g
  • Citri reticulatae Exocarpium rubrum (jú hóng)3g
  • Junci Medulla (dëng xïn câo)3 chi

Commentary: Whereas in the previous two cases (#6 and #5) obstruction of Lung qi was due to Liver yang or fire, here it is due to obstruction of Lung qi by dampness. No longer moving downward it spills into the body, including the Liver channel (the testes). The treatment strategy relies of draining dampness from the Lungs via the Three Heater with a combination of Three-Seed Decoction (sän rén täng) and Five-Peel Drink (wû pí yîn).

Translated by: Volker Scheid

For more reading on Fei Bo-Xiong, please look for Volker’s upcoming book from Eastland Press. Its working title is, Menge Medicine,  Vol. 1, Fei Boxiong’s Refined Medicine Remembered with Commentaries and Fei Family Case Histories”

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